SaitoTech / saito-lite-rust

a version of the Saito-Lite client written for compatibility with the Saito Rust client and binary data format
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cleaned up more stuff - also fixed some annoying places where themes … #2484

Closed joelshu1 closed 2 months ago

joelshu1 commented 2 months ago

Some themes showed wrong colours at times, a few sneaky things from other mods getting through. Took the chance to also clean up how a lot of the colours work in the vars. Mainly was how the league colours were interacting with RS/arcade. Hopefully now it is settled in a way that will play better with the themes. It's not perfect yet, there are still some overlays that are tied to arcade stylings that pop up from time to time. Maybe they are more noticeable from some themes than others.

--side note: This was a fairly small update overall. I didn't touch the data/saito.stats file at all; not sure how that ended up in here. Maybe someone knows more about this than me? --OH see it now, you guys removed this file from git probably around the same time as this PR. OK well that's an easy one then..