SaitoTech / saito-lite-rust

a version of the Saito-Lite client written for compatibility with the Saito Rust client and binary data format
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Create Design Modules for Retheming #484

Open arpee opened 2 years ago

arpee commented 2 years ago

Create dummy modules that contain all standard html and generic ui elements used in the platform.


These modules should also represent a new design pattern where they can be rendered into an empty HTML page containing an empty body tag. This is to make them suitable for delpotment as a 'one page' application in future.

These modules should support a generic - web standard method of switching between dark and light themes.

The modules should include header, sidebar (left and right) and footer elements.

karlsaito commented 2 years ago

@davikstone2 , can you update this card and link to other cards relevant? it seems floating