Could you add a DLC thing for the cream API Linux version?
Linux version of cream API config
; Application ID (
appid = 0
; Current game language.
; Uncomment this option to turn it on.
; Default is "english".
;language = german
; Enable/disable automatic DLC unlock. Default option is set to "false".
; Keep in mind that this option WON'T work properly if the "[dlc]" section is NOT empty
unlockall = false
; Original Valve's (x86).
; Default is "".
orgapi =
; Original Valve's (x64).
; Default is "".
orgapi64 =
; The game will think that you're offline (supported by some games).
; Default is "false".
forceoffline = false
; Some games are checking for the low violence presence.
; Default is "false".
;lowviolence = true
; Purchase timestamp for the DLC (
; Default is "0" (1970/01/01).
;purchasetimestamp = 0
; Disables the internal SteamUser interface handler.
; Does have an effect on the games that are using the license check for the DLC/application.
; Default is "false".
disableuserinterface = false
; DLC handling.
; Format: <dlc_id> = <dlc_description>
; e.g. : 247295 = Saints Row IV - GAT V Pack
; If the DLC is not specified in this section
; then it won't be unlocked```
Could you add a DLC thing for the cream API Linux version?
Linux version of cream API config