When I run python launch_scientist.py --model "gpt-4o-2024-05-13" --experiment nanoGPT_lite --num-ideas 2, the process gets stuck. After debugging, I found the issue occurs at coder_out=coder.run(next_prompt) in perform_experiments.py. Further investigation reveals the problem originates from res = litellm.completion(**kwargs) in sendchat.py from the Aider library.
I am unable to pinpoint the exact issue. I chose GPT as the generation tool, so I only imported OpenAI's URL and API key.
When I run python launch_scientist.py --model "gpt-4o-2024-05-13" --experiment nanoGPT_lite --num-ideas 2, the process gets stuck. After debugging, I found the issue occurs at coder_out=coder.run(next_prompt) in perform_experiments.py. Further investigation reveals the problem originates from res = litellm.completion(**kwargs) in sendchat.py from the Aider library.
I am unable to pinpoint the exact issue. I chose GPT as the generation tool, so I only imported OpenAI's URL and API key.