Sakati84 / 3DPrintColorizer

Software & Hardware to do multi color printing with Sharpies
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Feature request: Sharpie release agent for full density supports #4

Open jmding8 opened 3 years ago

jmding8 commented 3 years ago

Would it be possible to extend the plugin to support using the Sharpie as a release agent for support structures?

Check out this video, which shows how you can use Sharpie as a release agent to enable printing over 100% density support structures with zero Z-gap, and still have the support structure break away from the part easily.

I've tried it with PLA and ABS and it works amazingly well. The one major downside is either needing to apply the Sharpie manually, or being stuck using a non-zero Z-gap, since none of the open slicer engines support zero-thickness layers. Your system would be perfect for an application like this!

Sakati84 commented 3 years ago

Very first test print Screenshot_20210722-184036_Photos~2

jmding8 commented 3 years ago


Sakati84 commented 3 years ago

Some other results. This print has no gap between the print and the support interface and was easy to remove.


jmding8 commented 3 years ago

looks like the automated system works really well! This is all using the current plugin code? Next step: get this in the hands of a prominent influencer to popularize the technique and the use of the plugin?

Sakati84 commented 3 years ago

@jmding8 i tried to pitch it to makers muse and make anything some weeks ago but got no reply.

Sakati84 commented 3 years ago

@jmding8 the Support Mode isn‘t on GitHub yet. I want to change some stuff before I upload it

ssilverm commented 3 years ago

Going to be printing this and showing it off at Maker Faire Orlando!

Sakati84 commented 3 years ago

@ssilverm thats really cool. Would be nice if you could post some pictures.

jmding8 commented 3 years ago

I'll poke Tom and Stefan, I'm sure one of them will jump on it

Sakati84 commented 3 years ago

I made a branch for this feature. It´s still very much WIP. I only tested it for supporting horizontal overhangs right now. In the branch you have an updated plugin. In the settings panel you can switch the mode to "support removal". I also suggest you use the new support removal profile a uploaded to the software folder. The new TestModels folder contains my test model from before. If you want to do your own profile you should increase the wall & top speed to a normal/fast level (normally they should be reduced for the colorization profile).

dr3y commented 3 years ago

but what if i want to print support and also a multicolor model at the same time?

Great addon idea btw

Sakati84 commented 3 years ago

I don't think this would work very well. One would probably destroy parts of the model when removing the support because of the reduced layer adhesion in the Colorado parts

dr3y commented 3 years ago

well currently i am using a colored model with uncolored supports and it is extremely hard to remove them. i think this would at least make my life easier if the supports were colored also and therefore had a weaker layer adhesion, just like the model. Combined with other support weakening options like decreased flow rate and fill density i could actually print colored protein models quite well :)

I think the only change needed is to remove or ";TYPE:SUPPORT-INTERFACE"

Edit: @ssilverm feel free to download my branch which includes this change (and I'm printing a model with colorized support right now!)

jmding8 commented 3 years ago

Guessing that your profile isn't optimized for fully dense supports? support z distance = 0.0mm enable support interface = true support interface density = 90% to 100%

If that doesn't fix it, use the plugin referenced in this conversation to export your settings. Paste them here, and I can take a look

jmding8 commented 3 years ago

Apologies, I meant to paste this link, but I guess I forgot

Sakati84 commented 3 years ago

Also, I noticed that there is a z-axis hop every time it moves over the support material even though z-hop is disabled in cura..

That is one of the WIP things in this branch ;-)

Sakati84 commented 3 years ago

Can you post your g-code? What modifications did you make?

Dudedud commented 2 years ago

Hello Hello! I'm wondering if this project is still being worked on. If so, have there been any updates to this request?