Sakimori / matteo-the-prestige

sim16 discord bot
GNU General Public License v3.0
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During leaf eddies weather with the goddesses announcing: leaf weather events will happen mid-play-announcement #255

Open Genderdruid opened 3 years ago

Genderdruid commented 3 years ago

...resulting in post-announcement play outcomes that are at odds (sometimes) with the pre-announcement play outcomes, e.g. a player hitting a no-doubter over the right field wall, a flurry of leaves of some description passing, and then that same player getting walked instead. (Also saw it happen with a looks-like-it-might-be-a-dinger, turning into a walk, so it's not just the single play type.)

Sakimori commented 3 years ago

commit a136a94 might fix this one too, it was a minor change to how announcements are processed