Sakura-IT / PowerPCAmiga

Next generation PowerPC library for classic AmigaOS (work in progress)
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Library is not working #1

Closed DvdBoon closed 4 years ago

DvdBoon commented 4 years ago

Just tracking the stuff that is needed for a first working version. Out of scope will be special patches (like for AmigaAmp), A1200 code (for now), Altivec code and all cards except K1/M1.

First working version will only be pci.library compatible.

Currently, the library is in the debugging phase. If all the bugs are fixed, this issue can be closed. Missing features will be added while being tracked through the other issues.

DvdBoon commented 4 years ago

Needed for the kernel to be usable:

Onwards to PPC function testing.

DvdBoon commented 4 years ago

First time today that programs with complex screen manipulations came to life (SDL, Warp3D). It is clear that there are still memory allocation/free problems (Quake II) and that there are signalling problems (FreeSpace). The RunPPC latency is not critical as it is not used in many programs. The speed of Run68K however is critical. Stuff like Encore demos (bynight, sulaco, plus) and some games (glQuake) now work.

DvdBoon commented 4 years ago

Ticked off memory functions but needs more stress testing. At least no double freeing, corrupt memory list stuff or crashes occur. Not sure about memory leaks yet but those are at the moment less critical

DvdBoon commented 4 years ago

Memory functions should be all working correctly now. Quake 2 is now running. It was previously quitting with a not enough memory error. Last hurdles are the inter-CPU signalling and the high Run68K latency. Not sure if they are related.

DvdBoon commented 4 years ago

There is nothing wrong with the inter-CPU signalling, the semaphore functions are behaving badly. I wll also put the Run68K l;atency in a different task when the semaphores are fixed.

DvdBoon commented 4 years ago

Quake 3 now running

DvdBoon commented 4 years ago

Some almost never used functions might still be buggy, but the kernel itself appears to be working seeing that even Q3 runs now on it.