root@maxbasecode:/var/www/html/ bun run build
$ next build
▲ Next.js 14.2.13
Creating an optimized production build ...
Disabled SWC as replacement for Babel because of custom Babel configuration ".babelrc"
✓ (pwa) Compiling for server...
✓ (pwa) Compiling for server...
✓ (pwa) Compiling for client (static)...
○ (pwa) Service worker: /var/www/html/
○ (pwa) URL: /sw.js
○ (pwa) Scope: /
✓ Compiled successfully
Linting and checking validity of types ... ⨯ ESLint: Invalid Options: - Unknown options: useEslintrc, extensions - 'extensions' has been removed.
✓ Linting and checking validity of types
✓ Collecting page data