Salamafet / ophom

Octoprint Philips Hue Outlet Manager
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Bridge not found #61

Closed RLKnight closed 1 year ago

RLKnight commented 1 year ago

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Originally posted by **BigD0g77** November 14, 2022 Hello, I am using my Octoprint on a Samsung Galaxy S8+ and everything is working great. Unfortunately your plugin does not find my bridge. What can be the reason for this. The icon "searching" stays grayed out for about 10 min and that's all that happens.

I'm having a similar issue.... I'm unable to get Ophom working for a second plug on a second printer.... I have (2) Prusa Printers, a Mk2 and a Mk3 and the Ophom works exceptionally well with the Mk2 (no issues whatsoever with the install, setup or operation) after two weeks of flawless operation I decided to do the same setup for the Mk3.

When I select on the Pairing to Bridge, Click on the button below to start searching for your Phillips Hue Bridge... The button goes Gray, changes to the text "Searching..." and does not come back after 10 min.

(the original Mk2 Ophom still works fine) I have rebooted all devices, including the bridge. (Hue bridge, Raspberry pis, Prusa printers and laptop) I am running 2 Octoprint windows, one each for the Mk2 and Mk3, for this debugging, I've closed everything but the one Chrome tab which is the Octoprint for the Mk3, and this Octoprint works fine as it always has, excluing the Ophom. Both Hue plugs are 'attached' to the same Hue Bridge, and the Hue cell phone app controls both plugs just fine.

I see a message from you about errors in the browser with the F12 key, and did that, yet I don't see any errors in the Chrome window.

Thanks for your help in advance.

RLKnight commented 1 year ago

Well, just for grins, I went back to teh software, nothing different on any hardware or software. IT was ~ 2 hours after my post above. When I clicked the button, it found the Phillips Hue in 2 seconds. If this issue happens for anyone, I'd recommend rebooting all systems, including the Hue Bridge, wait a good while, then try it again.

A shout-out to the creator of this Plugin. It is a wonderful addition, especially the safety power off feature for runaway thermal on the hotend and bed.