I see the option is possibly in qiosk "-i, --idle Timeout to reset" but not sure if it's available in chromium-kiosk... But I'd like there to be an option to have IDLE_TIME not only redirect but also clear all cookies and settings, basically reset the browser.
IDLE_TIME redirects back to the set homepage but does not seem to clear cookies/logins. Example: I can login to Outlook/365 wait for IDLE_TIME to kick/go back to the home page, go back to Outlook/365 and I'm still logged in.
I see the option is possibly in qiosk "-i, --idle Timeout to reset" but not sure if it's available in chromium-kiosk... But I'd like there to be an option to have IDLE_TIME not only redirect but also clear all cookies and settings, basically reset the browser.
IDLE_TIME redirects back to the set homepage but does not seem to clear cookies/logins. Example: I can login to Outlook/365 wait for IDLE_TIME to kick/go back to the home page, go back to Outlook/365 and I'm still logged in.