remove the columns from the CSV file "PRODUCT | SEQUENCE NUMBER | DRAW DATE" leaving the draw number and other numbers. Save it somewhere on a hard-drive
Go to Weka package manager (the popup when you start Weka, select tools->package manager)
type "time series" under Package Search and press enter
select "time series forecasting" and press install (confirm every popup)
-restart Weka
go to explorer. you will now see that there is a new tab for forecasting.
open file, select CSV as a file type
go to a forecast tab
press "All" button
press start
TADAAA!!! you will get an error !
OK now lets start again.
start Weka with an increased memory size "java -Xmx3000M -jar weka.jar"
repeat opening the CSV and going to forecasting
Congratulations! you are now either extremely rich or a machine learning engineer !!
WARNING: This could make you extremely rich!
-restart Weka
OK now lets start again.
Congratulations! you are now either extremely rich or a machine learning engineer !!