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Intercom button tiny on mobile #21

Open JeroenCorthout opened 6 years ago

JeroenCorthout commented 6 years ago

This is on OnePlus 5


AdriVanHoudt commented 6 years ago

This due to the <meta name="viewport" tag we inject The problem is, if you change it to something sensible the whole website brakes... 👌 image

AdriVanHoudt commented 6 years ago

So I tried some hacks but it is janky at best

    analytics.ready(function () {
        setTimeout(function() {
            $('.intercom-launcher-frame').css('cssText', "width: 80px !important; height: 80px !important;");
            $('.intercom-launcher-frame').contents().find('.intercom-launcher').css({ width: '80px', height: '80px'});
            $('.intercom-launcher-frame').contents().find('.intercom-launcher .intercom-launcher-open-icon svg').css({ width: '38px', height: '42px'});
            $('intercom-launcher-badge-frame').css('cssText', 'bottom: 80px !important');
        }, 1000);

This only sometimes works, does not position the red dot correctly, flickers sometimes. Then there is this as well, check the website morphing before opening the intercom thing janky opening So yeah not really confident I can solve this without changing the meta viewport tag which is WAY more work

JeroenCorthout commented 1 year ago

Not shown anymore

JeroenCorthout commented 1 year ago

And it's back :-D