Apply the DNT hook in the Einstein layer of template retail react app. This will also be an example of how to integrate DNT into other analytics layers.
Types of Changes
[ ] Bug fix (non-breaking change that fixes an issue)
[ ] New feature (non-breaking change that adds functionality)
[ ] Documentation update
[ ] Breaking change (could cause existing functionality to not work as expected)
[ ] Other changes (non-breaking changes that does not fit any of the above)
Breaking changes include:
Removing a public function or component or prop
Adding a required argument to a function
Changing the data type of a function parameter or return value
Adding a new peer dependency to package.json
How to Test-Drive This PR
(step1) Run the E2E test for dnt.spec.js and see that it passes
^ To do this,
Apply the DNT hook in the Einstein layer of template retail react app. This will also be an example of how to integrate DNT into other analytics layers.
Types of Changes
How to Test-Drive This PR
npm run test:e2e:ui
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