Open KaTzi-42 opened 1 year ago
We also encountered the same issues.
19:27:21.791 (792245605)|VARIABLE_SCOPE_BEGIN|[30]|this|npsp.TDTM_Allocation|true|false
19:27:21.791 (792317588)|VARIABLE_ASSIGNMENT|[30]|this|{}|0x20fcfb1b
19:27:21.791 (819341451)|SOQL_EXECUTE_BEGIN|[50]|Aggregations:0|SELECT Id FROM Trigger_Handler__c LIMIT 1
19:27:21.791 (830309613)|SOQL_EXECUTE_END|[50]|Rows:1
19:27:21.791 (845906920)|SOQL_EXECUTE_BEGIN|[98]|Aggregations:0|SELECT Asynchronous__c, Class__c, Load_Order__c, Object__c, Active__c, Usernames_to_Exclude__c, Trigger_Action__c, User_Managed__c FROM Trigger_Handler__c ORDER BY Load_Order__c ASC NULLS FIRST
19:27:21.791 (864690602)|SOQL_EXECUTE_END|[98]|Rows:70
19:27:21.791 (891304524)|SOQL_EXECUTE_BEGIN|[1016]|Aggregations:0|SELECT Id, npsp__Payment__c, Payment__r.npe01__Payment_Amount__c, Payment__r.npe01__Paid__c, Payment__r.npe01__Written_Off__c, npsp__Opportunity__c, Opportunity__r.Amount, Amount__c, Percent__c, General_Accounting_Unit__c, Recurring_Donation__c, Campaign__c FROM Allocation__c WHERE ((Payment__c = :tmpVar1 OR Opportunity__c = :tmpVar2 OR Recurring_Donation__c = :tmpVar3 OR Campaign__c = :tmpVar4) AND Id != :tmpVar5)
19:27:22.981 (1981964897)|SOQL_EXECUTE_END|[1016]|Rows:49930
We are only updating one GAU Allocation record.
I suspect this is from
NPSP Version: 3.226
Nope. Same limit, but completely unrelated context and use case.
The original poster is talking about an issue when an org that has custom scheduled jobs that are still considered actively queued and they're trying to load the NPSP Settings page and it fails because NPSP is trying to look at all the users Scheduled Jobs.
That has nothing to do with a query for Allocations.
Thanks @judisohn, I will post separate issue then.
You can, sure, but no one who works for Salesforce is likely to respond. This is not where they track issues in the project. The only way to get Salesforce to look at the issue you're facing is to open a support case.
When I click on the "NPSP Setting" tab, I receive the following error:
In the logs, it is evident that the page is hitting a limit while loading.
Why is NPSP executing such a strange SOQL query without a filter?
SELECT Id, CronExpression, CronJobDetail.Name, CreatedBy.Name, CreatedBy.IsActive FROM CronTrigger WHERE CronJobDetail.JobType = '7'