SalesforceLabs / CommunityCookieConsent

Community Cookie Consent allows you to display a cookie notice to your customers and gain their consent when they use your community. You can configure the cookies and categories directly in Salesforce and use those to drive the user interface.
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Cookie descriptions don't appear when using "page" display type #13

Open mattatsafe opened 2 years ago

mattatsafe commented 2 years ago



Cookie descriptions don't appear inside the "Description" column of the Cookie Consent lightning component when displayed as a "page". The "Name" column gets populated just fine. Updates to the names of existing cookie records reflect immediately in the component.


cookies:27 $A.log: ActionStorage: restored 11 actions
cookies:27 $A.log: ComponentDefStorage: restored 135 components, 16 libraries, 35 events, 110 modules from storage into registry
cookies:27 $A.log: AuraClientService.runAfterBootstrapReady(): Broadcasting token received during bootstrap
cookies:27 $A.log: [AuraClientService.broadcastToken]: Broadcasting new token.
cookies:27 $A.afterRender
cookies:27 Arguments [Array(4), callee: ƒ, Symbol(Symbol.iterator): ƒ]0: Array(4)0: a {va: undefined, Jc: '83:0', wd: true, Aa: true, Xb: false, …}1: a {va: undefined, Jc: '83:0', z: S, Rc: {…}, Aa: true, …}2: a {va: undefined, Jc: '83:0', wd: true, Aa: true, Xb: false, …}3: a {va: undefined, Jc: '83:0', wd: true, Aa: true, Xb: false, …}length: 4[[Prototype]]: Array(0)callee: ƒ afterRender()length: 1Symbol(Symbol.iterator): ƒ values()[[Prototype]]: Object
cookies:27 $A.log: Action.refresh(): auto refresh begin: 27;a to 152;a
cookies:27 $A.log: Action.refresh(): auto refresh begin: 49;a to 155;a
cookies:27 $A.log: Action.refresh(): auto refresh begin: 71;a to 213;a
cookies:27 $A.log: Action.refresh(): auto refresh begin: 78;a to 215;a
cookies:27 $A.log: Action.refresh(): auto refresh begin: 115;a to 230;a
cookies:27 $A.log: [actionsManager] memory cache primed
cookies:27 $A.log: Action.updateFromResponse(): skipping duplicate response: serviceComponent://ui.chatter.components.messages.MessagesController/ACTION$getMessagingPermAndPref:{}, 152;a
cookies:27 $A.log: Action.updateFromResponse(): skipping duplicate response: serviceComponent://ui.communities.components.aura.components.forceCommunity.navigationMenu.NavigationMenuDataProviderController/ACTION$getNavigationMenu:{"addHomeMenuItem":false,"includeImageUrl":false,"masterLabel":"Default User Profile Menu","menuItemTypesToSkip":["MenuLabel", "NavigationalTopic"],"navigationLinkSetIdOrName":"Default_User_Profile_Menu"}, 155;a
cookies:27 $A.log: Action.updateFromResponse(): skipping duplicate response: serviceComponent://ui.communities.components.aura.components.forceCommunity.navigationMenu.NavigationMenuDataProviderController/ACTION$getNavigationMenu:{"addHomeMenuItem":true,"includeImageUrl":false,"masterLabel":"Default Navigation","menuItemTypesToSkip":["SystemLink", "Event"],"navigationLinkSetIdOrName":"Default_Navigation2"}, 213;a
cookies:27 $A.log: Action.updateFromResponse(): skipping duplicate response: serviceComponent://ui.communities.components.aura.components.forceCommunity.themeHeader.ThemeHeaderController/ACTION$getHeaderConfig:{}, 215;a
cookies:27 $A.log: Action.updateFromResponse(): skipping duplicate response: serviceComponent://ui.notifications.components.notifications.controller.NotificationsController/ACTION$getInitializationValues:{}, 230;a
cookies:27 $A.log: sessionTimeout - secondsLeft: 7074
VM3014 cookiecon__cookieConsent:10 fingerprint 4256021977
cookiecon__cookieConsent:8 [Violation] 'componentConnected' handler took 151ms
cookiecon__cookieConsent:10 fingerprint 4256021977
jimothyr commented 2 years ago

Also happens on modal... I think the issue is in the html template for the table.. It calls for a field called item.Description__c when the object field is actually cookiecon_Description__c .

lines 81 and 203 force-app/main/default/lwc/cookieConsent)/cookieConsent.html

OlivierVDN commented 1 year ago

@schandlergarcia we are also having this issue. Is there a possibility this can be resolved?

According to @jimothyr it should be easy to solve. Would really appreciate the effort!