SalesforceLabs / MultiOrgSecuritySummary

Multi-Org Security Summary gives you the ability to bring all of the Security Health Check data from all of your Salesforce environments(production & sandbox) into a single org! This allows you to get a clear picture of the security health of your entire Salesforce program and manage your team of Admins more efficiently.
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Executing tthe Child Org Sync job gives an error #1

Open jcduartesf opened 3 years ago

jcduartesf commented 3 years ago

Tis is the error message: First error: Illegal character in opaque part at index 11: callout:New credential/services/apexrest/multioss/SecurityHealthCheckReporting. Any clues what is wrong?

jcduartesf commented 3 years ago

Solved the problem was with the name credential label