SalineSingularityFRC / FRC2016

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Create Possible Designs for Scouting App Screens #46

Open Zelkth opened 8 years ago

Zelkth commented 8 years ago

scouting app rough sketchs

Zelkth commented 8 years ago

The first three pages I drafted, some notes: These are drafts, they obviously aren't dimensioned accurately to the size of a device and the buttons are horribly spaced You can make the color theme anything you want just please don't make it death to the eye The white boxes with text in them are supposed to be boxes you type in The red text isn't things that go in, their notes of what needs to be put in Things don't need to be formatted exactly the same, the order of things on the pits page could be changed quite a bit for example, also the second page could even be condensed down into a drop down menu for the first page but it would probably be more annoying to do
There are two formats I've thought of for pages like the pits scouting one, one were you scroll to get all the buttons and stuff, and one were the stuff is on multiple pages you swipe through, i don't know which would be better/less annoying to use, we'll just have to find out

Zelkth commented 8 years ago

Oh yea and I'm not sure that is the best place for the enter team number thing, maybe on the pits scouting page also i forgot to put a button on pits scouting to actually save the info

Zelkth commented 8 years ago

The page I'm Editing these on

Zelkth commented 8 years ago

The text on the picture button should probably be red

Zelkth commented 8 years ago

scouting app rough sketchs 2

Zelkth commented 8 years ago

Added another page, this one is kind of bad but it's supposed to be a spot were you can search by team number, and a list by round (I forgot to put a spot that tells the number round you are on) so you can select a team to scout by the round that's going. This one will probably be have to be scrolling, it might be good to make the rounds that are over change color to help keep track of which round your on, I don't know how difficult that would be though, it might be good to have a smaller menu to actually edit this page for different events, or have it pull it off whatever program it is that displays that for the teams

Zelkth commented 8 years ago

that's supposed to say games scouting not pits scouting