SallyWhitemane / Mograine

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[Hodir 25 HM Buffed][Exploit/Bug] NPC flash freeze death #1261

Closed mrnuggets closed 3 years ago

mrnuggets commented 3 years ago

Description: Currently if you don't free a an NPC from a flash freeze, the NPC that is still in a flash freeze will die after 1st flash freeze.

In my eyes, this is used in a way, so that you don't have that many flash freezes to kill, and to make it easier to dodge the soft-enrage on hodir, if you don't break all the flash freezes in time.

How to reproduce: Engage the fight, don't free anything or just leave 1 NPC in a flash freeze, wait for Hodir to use the ability 'flash freeze' and watch the NPC die.


How it should work: The NPC should not die, but should still be in a flash freeze.

gandalkk commented 3 years ago

Isnt this how its supposed to be like at least on retail? adds die if u dont kill the blocks, sure i can see how you could benefit from it here on this server but idk maybe its just a flaw in scripting if u want them to stay alive for this New enrage ability

herbhenk commented 3 years ago

this is working as intended as described in comments here: