SallyWhitemane / Mograine

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<Personal Electromagnetic Pulse Generator> + <Explosive Decoy> #1308

Open Belpheris opened 3 years ago

Belpheris commented 3 years ago

Description: Explosive Decoy is not exploding when PEPG enchant is used.

How to reproduce: Spawn Explosive Decoy, and use PEPG within 30 yards of Decoy.

How it should work: Explosive Decoy should explode if PEPG enchant was used within 30 yards of it.

As proof you can read old wowhead comments regarding these two items and how they work together.

223411 on 2008/10/03 (Patch 3.0.1) "Confirmed. Using the Personal Electromagnetic Pulse Generator near the decoy will indeed cause it to detonate and cause damage to the enemy."

By 252860 on 2009/01/12 (Patch 3.0.3) "This item coupled with the EMP belt attachment can be considered as another engineering DPS buff for pve. "