SallyWhitemane / Mograine

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TOCH Xfaction 2nd phase of first encounter #1324

Open Marrast17 opened 2 years ago

Marrast17 commented 2 years ago

Description: If you have multifaction in TOCH , the first encounter is buggy. Lets say Iam alliance: i got alliance bosses against me. If you kill one of them (mean kick him from horse) he will take your mount and mount up with 50k HP. (You can't trample him as same faction, only opposite faction can do it) . It's doable,but annoying.

How to reproduce: Just take group of horde and alliance to TOCH and fight first encounter, when you get same faction bosses as one of your members, kill them(mean kick them from horse) , if same faction standing on boss that being kicked down, instead of being trampled, he will take your mount and you got trampled . Only opposite faction can trample them.

How it should work: Well , bosses should stay trampled even when you are alliance and got alliance bosses. And wise versa. Because Xfaction is enabled. This could become problem more and more.