SallyWhitemane / Mograine

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Eternal Earthsiege Diamond meta gem does not work #1326

Open dreamk33per opened 2 years ago

dreamk33per commented 2 years ago

Eternal Earthsiege Diamond for some reason do not work(does not give any stats). It requires you to have 2 red gems and 1 blue gem and I have them on my gear. The meta gem effect is highlighted, meaning it should be working, but it does not. On this character I have 696 defense rating. My helmet gives me 56 defense rating + the meta gem (+21 defense rating), total of 77 defense rating, but when I remove the helmet I am at 640 defense rating (696 - 56 from the helmet, not counting the 21 from the meta gem, meaning it does not work). My character name is Bonekrusher, warrior