SallyWhitemane / Mograine

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Loot did dissapear after all players needed/greeded or passed on it #1327

Open IvanR1992 opened 2 years ago

IvanR1992 commented 2 years ago

Description: We were raiding togc10m today and killed the first Boss "The Beasts of Northrend". One of the drops was the item "Bracers of the Northern Stalker" which everybody greeded/passed expect for me (I'm a level 80 Hunter called Avaceratops). After I needed for the bracers, there was no more chat notifications. The item dissapeared from the corspe of the boss and nobody got it into their inventory.

Screenshot shows me Needing for the item. image

How to reproduce:

I don't know hot to reproduce it. It was the only item in the raid which dissapeared this way.

How it should work:

Well, normally I should get the item into my inventory, since I was the only one needing for it.

Please take a look into it and restore the item for my Hunter. Thanks.