SallyWhitemane / Mograine

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Solace of the Defeated not proccing on Paladin's Judgements, Holy Wrath, Hammer of Wrath #1329

Open cachocarne opened 2 years ago

cachocarne commented 2 years ago

Description: Item Solace of the Defeated [] (and probably the Horde version, Solace of the Fallen) is not proccing from Judgment spells and also not from Hammer of Wrath or Holy Wrath. It currently procs "Energized" (spell=67750) on healing spells, damage spells, AoE spells, support buffs such as Holy Shield and Beacon of Light but NOT on Judgement spells or the mentioned ones.

How to reproduce: During any encounter, land a Judgement on enemy. Cast instant dmg AoE Holy Wrath. Also, when enemy is at <20%, cast Hammer of Wrath. The 10 seconds buff and stacks from Solace will not be refreshed / increased in either case.

How it should work: Solace of the Defeated/Fallen should proc "Energized" from EVERY spell. According to Wowhead comments on retail and patch notes, it should even proc also from Beacon of Light, Holy Shield, Levitate, Water Walking and ANY spell cast.

Item Added on Patch 3.2.0 (4 Aug 2009)