SallyWhitemane / Mograine

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Blade barrier out of combat issue #1331

Open danniellos94 opened 2 years ago

danniellos94 commented 2 years ago


The problem is when you're out of combat the only way to proc blade barrier is using vampiric blood+ rune tap, if you use blood boil and death and decay or double blood boil it will not trigger a talent.

How to reproduce: Here is a video with proof :

Ok, so I've tried few combinations out of combat rune tap + vampiric blood after = no blade barrier vampiric blood + rune tap = blade barrier on blood boil + blood boil = no blade barrier death and decay + blood boil = no blade barrier

Seems like no matter what if you use rune tap second you will get blade barrier only.

How it should work:

Should always proc when 2 blood runes are on cooldown.