SallyWhitemane / Mograine

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Multiple ICC bugs #1341

Closed szwagierro closed 3 years ago

szwagierro commented 3 years ago

1. Description: Ghosts on Lady Deathwisper fixate way too soon, they should wait for 1 second and then run towards the target

How to reproduce: Get to the 2nd phase of LD encounter, wait for ghosts to spawn

How it should work: After ghosts land they should wait ~2sec until they start moving towards their target as shown here

2. Description: There should be 4 cannons instead of 3 cannons on Gunship Battle 25 man encounter

How to reproduce: Get onto the ship

How it should work: There should be 4 cannons on 25 man encounter as shown here

3. Description: On Valithria 25 heroic healers should be getting damage per second increasing by every stack they have from the nightmare portals, yet they get none - until some of them loses stacks completely and regained them again, then they got the intended damage. Ret paladin that got into the portals with them got damage done to him as intended from the start

How to reproduce: Start Valithria 25 man heroic encounter, wait for portals to spawn and take some stacks inside. Proof here

How it should work: Everyone who was inside the portal and got at least 1 stacks should get a DoT on them, proof

4. Description: On Blood Princes there are sometimes rare cases that Kinetic Bombs spawn inside the walls, they're targettable but not attackable cause they're not in line of sight

How to reproduce: Tough to reproduce, it happens sporadically

How it should work: Kinetic Bombs should be attackable at all times

5. Description: On Valithria 10 heroic adds are spawning way too fast, it's almost like the encounter has soft enrage from the start (like the battle has been lasting too long), the add spawn should speed up as encounter progresses

How to reproduce: Engage Valithria Dreamwalker 10 heroic encounter, how it works now shown here in 28:30min

How it should work: Adds spawn should slowly speed up as encounter progresses as shown here

6. Description: On Valithria both 10 and 25 man there should be no cases when adds come from the same place one after another. For example, on 10 man there should be left, then right, then left, then right again and so on On 25 man there are 4 spawn places so they can be on the same side, for example top left, and bottom left - but never top left one after another

How to reproduce: Engage Valithria encounter, proof of it happenning here at 2:55:40

How it should work: this is retail reference, there should not be any instance of adds coming from the same spawn one after another. Exception are Suppressers coming in multiple numbers from same spot