SallyWhitemane / Mograine

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[Lightweave Embroidery] doesn't proc from Channeling spells (Tailoring Enchant) #1356

Open scrublama opened 2 years ago

scrublama commented 2 years ago

Description: Casting channeling spells, - such as Hurricane=48467 / Mind flay=48156 / Arcane missiles=42845, doesn't proc Lightweave=55637 from the Tailoring enchant: Lightweave Embroidery=55642. Causing it to have more downtime for those classes.

How to reproduce: Enchant cloak with Lightweave embroidery and cast any channeling spell. I've only tested harmful spells on enemy dummy.

How it should work: Lightweave should be acting like it does AND proc of channeling spells Some testing showed Darkglow is working and proccing of channeling spells.