SallyWhitemane / Mograine

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[Item] Illustration of the Dragon Soul - HoT/DoT proc bug #1357

Open scrublama opened 2 years ago

scrublama commented 2 years ago

Description: Illustration of the Dragon Soul=40432 (buff=60486) is currently proccing from all HoTs and DoTs. Example a single rejuvenation will proc it 6 times over the entire duration.

How to reproduce:

  1. Equip Illustration of the Dragon Soul=40432 and cast any healing-over-time or Damage-over-time ability.
  2. Watch buff=60486 stack on every single HoT/DoT from that ability.

How it should work: A single rejuvenation HoT on a target: should only proc the trinket once for the entire duration, per initial application. A glyphed Wild Growth that hits 6 people: should instantly apply 6 stacks. It should work like the other trinket with the same tooltip but different numbers namely: Eye of the broodmother, which seems to work just fine. It should also work like it does right now with channeling spells, procs on every dmg tick so please dont mess that up.