SallyWhitemane / Mograine

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Stratholme Dungeon Soft-Lock Bug #1371

Open Zebronel opened 1 year ago

Zebronel commented 1 year ago

Description: Failed start in Stratholme due to Mal'Ganis not turning the Stratholme residents undead and Arthas runs off into the City but can't rejoin him due to the DG not properly starting. Soft Locked by gate that won't open until you clear the early phase of the dungeon but you can't due to the failed start.

How to reproduce: Start the Culling of Stratholme and when you arrive at Strat and talk to Arthas you head into the city just fine but Mal'ganis never comes to have his conversation with Arthas and turning the residents undead resulting in a soft lock.

How it should work: After Arthas confronts a resident in the city of Stratholme, Mal'Ganis is meant to spawn in and have a brief conversation with Arthas during which he turns the city residents into undead and that marks the start of the city phase of the dungeon. Players are then meant to clear the undead to progress further into the city as the gates are closed until early phases are cleared.