SallyWhitemane / Mograine

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Hunter Pet Dismiss #1379

Closed bugftwx closed 10 months ago

bugftwx commented 10 months ago

Description: Hunter pet hp is wrong after resummon.

How to reproduce: Dismiss the pet and call another pet and it has instantly 100k+ scaled hp.

How it should work: Whenever the hunter call a new pet, the pet should have downscaled (4-6k base hp) for at least 3-5 seconds (that was random on retail) and this was the way they made this dismiss cd reset extremly risky because basically if the pet gets killed in this window the hunter never gonna get it back.

Proof: "As for the pet health while they are just summoned, that's an intended mechanic to stop several exploits. This way it also gives fair chance to the other players when you unsummon almost dead pet just to summon a new one with full healt, making it more fair in pvp combat. If you don't wish for your pet to be killed right away, please be sure to summon him before the fight."

Videos: 1.: 2.: 3.: 4.: 5.:

I couldn't find a single retail video, where the hunter had his pet instantly on full hp like here and also in all those pvp movies they didnt do this as much on this server, basically every hunter third global is summoning a new pet its nonsense and almost zero counterplay for this so please fix it asap.

Juiceyyhi commented 10 months ago

Blizzard employee : "As for the pet health while they are just summoned, that's an intended mechanic to stop several exploits. This way it also gives fair chance to the other players when you unsummon almost dead pet just to summon a new one with full healt, making it more fair in pvp combat. If you don't wish for your pet to be killed right away, please be sure to summon him before the fight"

Always when you summon pets, their health should be reduced.
