SallyWhitemane / Mograine

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[Mage][Talent] 'Arcane Potency' talent not working #1380

Open xakepka opened 10 months ago

xakepka commented 10 months ago

Description: Talent "Arcane Potency" doesn't work as it should. What the talent should be doing: Increases the critical strike chance of your next damaging spell by 15% after gaining Clearcasting or Presence of Mind.

How to reproduce: Nothing happens, it's like I haven't activated the talent even though it is.

How it should work: Talent should up my crit chance by 15%, but this doesn't show up in any of my stats. My base critical chance is 14.56% and upon activating talent this should increase to close to 29.56%. However my crit stays the same (14.56%). This is definitely a bug because I only have this issue on Cataclysm(4.3.4), on WOTLK (3.3.5) the talent works as it should and the stats are shown. I've provided pictures of both WOTLK and Cataclysm (4.3.4). WoWScrnShot_082823_155106 WoWScrnShot_082823_155056 WoWScrnShot_082723_103459 WoWScrnShot_082723_103441