SallyWhitemane / Mograine

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[A Hero's Burden] is not working properly #1388

Open NikolayDzhigov opened 5 months ago

NikolayDzhigov commented 5 months ago

Description: The quest [A Hero's Burden] is not working properly. After I kill the NPC, the quest is completed but I cant give it back to the questgiver. The the npc's that are blocked in tombs of ice are not getting released after the kill which completes the storyline

How to reproduce: Just pick up the quest and go to the cave called "The sundered shard" kill the NPC called "Artruis" and the above described will happen.

How it should work: After I kill the NPC called "Artrius" both npcs (the one from the oracles and the other from the frenzyheart) should be released from the tombs and I should pick a faction to gain a reputation with. WoWScrnShot_012424_153140 WoWScrnShot_012424_153134

Please let me know once the bug is fixed as I am grinding this factions reputation to gain access to the mysterious egg, which has a chance to drop Green Proto-Drake. Thank you!