SallyWhitemane / Mograine

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Inscription Northrend Inscription Reasearch bugged #472

Open variabug opened 3 years ago

variabug commented 3 years ago

Description: I just used it on skill 385 and got Glyph of Scourge Imprisonment which is already green (and i already had). This completely fucks me in my progress.

How to reproduce: Do it, might be random. But it happened for me

How it should work: Im supposed to get a glyph thats orange to properly keep skilling.

cachocarne commented 3 years ago

Sorry to tell you, but I am afraid it's not like you would like. Research gives a random recipe from a list of 92 glyphs ( All glyphs on that list will be learnt as long as you craft the Research and there are glyphs to be learnt. You will still be getting glyph recipes that might be too low for you to skill and sometimes you will learn others that are red.

As you can see, that particular glyph will only be learnt at 385 and actually be green, so it's properly scripted and it's not a bug.

 2021-02-23 at 12 47 45

Other glyphs that will appear green at 385 are Ice Lance, Stormstrike, Strangulate and Turn Evil. Glyph of Souls will be learnt at 385 and is actually 365, so will appear gray. Same as Glyph of Shadowfiend.