SallyWhitemane / Mograine

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[BG] SOTA and WG gate LOS if destroyed #762

Open annaqtie opened 3 years ago

annaqtie commented 3 years ago


Wintergrasp and Strand of the Ancients gate and wall LOS(Line of sight) when it is destroyed. This makes attacking in WG 10 times harder than it should be because ranged has to walk up a lot further than necessary in order to attack the defending players.

How to reproduce:

Destroy a wall or gate and try to cast any single target spell (Damage or healing) through the gap that has been created.

How it should work:

When the gate is destroyed all single target and area spells should be castable through the gap (the rubble should still be LOS but if you look at my GYAZO bellow this is 100% a bug)

Bluecow941 commented 3 years ago

It still happens. At least in Purple Amethyst gate if not all gates.