SallyWhitemane / Mograine

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Huge amount of herb and mining nodes is missing #886

Open FrustratedUser opened 3 years ago

FrustratedUser commented 3 years ago

Description: The number of herb/mining nodes is lower than it is supposed to be. I herbed and mined in Scholazar/Icecrown/Storm Peaks and a lot of nodes are missing, compared to wowhead database, but I guess also other zones are effected. Half of the herbs and 2/3 of the mines NEVER spawn. Check those pictures that use Gatherer to compare how many nodes I actually mined compared to the ones imported from Wowhead database.

How to reproduce: Go on Wowhead or any other database, compare the coords of the nodes to the ones you actually spawn on the server, and you will notice the number of spawns is a lot lower (check ratios in pictures from the previous point)

How it should work: Missing nodes should be added

Raulfin commented 3 years ago

The file is hosted at in the file DB_WowheadData.lua all the spawn points for all the nodes are sorted by zone and node ID, the position data is written in a 6 digit number, 124778, and corralates as xx.x, yy.y, so 12.4, 77.8. It's 6280 lines of numbers so will be really fun to go through. It has all known Vanilla, BC, and Wrath spawn positions for all herbs, ore, treasure chests, lock boxes, footlockers, and non-quest specific world objects like Un'Goro Dirt Pile, Glowcap, and Netherwing Egg. A full list of items listed and their IDs is given in the file DB_WowheadMain.lua.

FrustratedUser commented 3 years ago

The file is hosted at in the file DB_WowheadData.lua all the spawn points for all the nodes are sorted by zone and node ID, the position data is written in a 6 digit number, 124778, and corralates as xx.x, yy.y, so 12.4, 77.8. It's 6280 lines of numbers so will be really fun to go through. It has all know Vanilla, BC, and Wrath spawn positions for all herbs, ore, treasure chests, lock boxes, footlockers, and non-quest specific world objects like Un'Goro Dirt Pile, Glowcap, and Netherwing Egg. A full list of items listed and their IDs is given in the file DB_WowheadMain.lua.

You summarized it in a much more technical and better way. Thank you.

mariobrose2 commented 3 years ago

I can confirm this, even after the update a couple weeks ago which was supposed to "fix" this issue (even though it caused a lot of spawns in my previous routes to just dissapear) it feels like a lot of the nodes dont exist. This is particularly bad for farming when you have such high pop peaks of 4k+ players which includes a lot of farming bots. People have complained about this on discord aswell but the devs dont seem to bat an eye. Hope this get looked into.

scrublama commented 3 years ago

view-source: - line 110 Example of adder's tounge spawn points from a wotlk database

Raulfin commented 3 years ago

ha, 72 spawns in Basin on sunwell vs 253 spawns currently on wow head and 236 in the WoWHead gatherer DB for wrath.

scrublama commented 3 years ago

ha, 72 spawns in Basin on sunwell vs 253 spawns currently on wow head and 236 in the WoWHead gatherer DB for wrath.

Wowhead is not accurate database pls stop using it. As it was back in the days players collected data it has alot of duplicates and for some reason inaccurate cords. As the current state of Whitemane we don't have any accurate database, for mining nodes/farming herbs. - if they don't fix the spawn positions like any other wotlk database or make a new database with current spawnpoints

Raulfin commented 3 years ago

considering that a huge number of Pvt Svr nodes are underground or floating a mile in the sky we can know for sure that the node date they use is wrong. You claim that wowhead is wrong because it 'has alot of duplicates and for some reason inaccurate cords.' Old wrath is still intact on retail and mostly ignored now so testing the wowhead cord data should be fairly easy. let us know when it's done or link to the test that shows it's done and that wowhead data is all wrong.

scrublama commented 3 years ago

let us know when it's done or link to the test that shows it's done and that wowhead data is all wrong.

just looking at the map on wowhead you clearly see that it's inaccurate, there's for example obviously no adder's tongue spawning in water and there's tons of ridiculous wowhead spawn cords and duplicates. image

FrustratedUser commented 3 years ago

view-source: - line 110 Example of adder's tounge spawn points from a wotlk database

Ok, but as you see the respawn time on the db you linked is one minute. I am pretty sure the respawn rate here is much higher than one minute.

Raulfin commented 3 years ago

That node is not in the wowhead gatherer db, it was added on the site during/after cata. Also a quick check out there and that position doesn't exist in Basin, it becomes north sea just before that. So thats 1 data point added in a later expansion that's obvs wrong for wrath determined to be wrong for wrath.

Who knows, they may have added an adder's there in cata or mop or any other point and it's correct in retail.

Raulfin commented 3 years ago

Wow head has been a highly trusted site for 15+ years. If the info gathered on it were so egregiously wrong that it needs to be completly tossed and ignored it would be pretty common knowledge and it would have died a long time ago like all the other dozens of wow db sites that have come and gone. It's gonna take a bit more that 'na, that 1 data point is wrong so ignore the whole site'. I'm not saying it's 100% perfect, but it's generally the most accurate public db based on gathers done in retail.