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Raspi management and uploading motion detected clips #73

Open KamiCreed opened 5 months ago

KamiCreed commented 5 months ago

utils/raspi/ can be helpful to see how the old Raspi setup worked.

KamiCreed commented 2 months ago

We have decided to create and clone SD cards to lower setup time.

KamiCreed commented 2 months ago

I discovered that sometimes the BARLUS cameras might fail to send video, requiring a restart to have RTSP working again. We require alerts when the Jetsons fail to grab video using RTSP.

KamiCreed commented 1 month ago

Tailscale can't reasonably setup notifs when systems go down right now, so I used from last year to setup notifs from each site again using a crontab job in each device to ping every minute to their respective check.

# A sample crontab entry
* * * * * curl -fsS -m 10 --retry 5 -o /dev/null<id>