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E2F Survival Peak Flow Summary #54

Open tclements1 opened 1 year ago

tclements1 commented 1 year ago

The findings suggest that elevated peak flows during the incubation period of salmon eggs can negatively impact egg survival and smolt production. This is because high peak flows can physically disrupt salmon redds, leading to the crushing or displacement of eggs. Unlike temperature changes, physical disturbances are challenging for salmon to evade or adapt to due to their specific spawning habitat requirements. Seasonal and daily variations in streamflow can also limit freshwater salmon habitat. Extreme flows during egg incubation periods can limit egg-to-fry survival rates by scouring redds, crushing eggs, or depositing fine sediments that reduce available oxygen.

High streamflow can contribute to the disappearance of eggs from the upper segment of spawning grounds, even without mechanical disturbance of the bed. Turbulent water can dislodge eggs from coarse bed materials, and eggs are susceptible to predation. Movement of streambed material during peak flows indirectly affects egg survival. Increased sediment deposition reduces water movement and dissolved oxygen levels in the gravel, which can delay embryo development, lead to premature emergence, and result in smaller fry. These effects diminish fry's ability to compete for resources and increase vulnerability to predation, negatively impacting egg-to-fry survival.

While flood events play a crucial role in determining the survival of Chinook salmon eggs, they also contribute to the formation and maintenance of rearing habitats. Eliminating flood events entirely would have adverse effects on juvenile salmon. Instead, it is important to address any impairment of natural processes that may cause higher-than-normal flood magnitudes or frequencies.

Literature Cited:

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