Salvoxia / immich-folder-album-creator

Automatically create and populate albums in Immich from a folder structure in external libraries
159 stars 9 forks source link

Delete created albums #27

Closed dushyantahuja closed 1 month ago

dushyantahuja commented 1 month ago

First of all - absolutely love this. However, and it's my fault, I ran the script without specifying the album separator. Now I would like to delete the created albums, and recreate using an album separator. Can you please help

Salvoxia commented 1 month ago


glad you like the script! I assume you've run the script from the Docker container? That highlights that there currently is no interactive mode to first verify the album names to be created when running from Docker, that's definitely something that should be added for manual runs in Docker.

Now to your actual question: Yes, it is conceivable to add a mode to the script to either delete ALL albums or only delete the album names constructed from the current assets and script arguments, if they exist. The question is whether you are willing to wait until this is implemented ;)

Best Regards, Salvoxia

dushyantahuja commented 1 month ago

Thanks - would be great if you can implement. For now, installed pgAdmin using instructions on this page and ran

DELETE FROM public.albums

Salvoxia commented 1 month ago

Implemented with v0.8.0.

dushyantahuja commented 1 month ago

Thank you