Sam-CodePath / InstaClone

Instagram clone
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Project Feedback! #1

Open codepathreview opened 4 years ago

codepathreview commented 4 years ago

It looks like your video walkthrough doesn't seem to show some of the required stories as follows:

  1. User can sign up to create a new account using Parse authentication
  2. The current signed in user is persisted across app restarts
  3. User can take a photo, add a caption, and post it to "Instagram"
  4. User can view the last 20 posts submitted to "Instagram"
  5. User can pull to refresh the last 20 posts submitted to "Instagram"
  6. User can tap a post to view post details, including timestamp and caption.

Can you update this and resubmit?

Sam-CodePath commented 4 years ago


Sorry about that -- just saw this and updated the repository. Let me know if there is anything else I can do.

Also, I just had a quick question. I re-submitted these a little while ago with stretch goals and was wondering when I could expect the new grades to show up:

Thank you!

codepathreview commented 4 years ago

We have revisited this submission and it looks like one of the required stories wherein the current signed in user is persisted across app restarts doesn't seem to show. Also, one of the stretch features you listed wherein the user should switch between different tabs - capture (photo gallery view) doesn't seem to show. Can you update this and resubmit?

We will revisit your submission for Flixster and Simple To-do App for the stretch features you have implemented and expect feedback latest Monday, PST.

/cc @codepathreview

Sam-CodePath commented 4 years ago

Hi, sorry about that. I updated the README with a second gif to show it persisting across app restarts.

As for the photo gallery view, I must have misread that direction so I understand if I can't get full credit for that stretch story -- but the gifs in the README are all I was able to do.

Thank you for taking the time to re-review the other apps!

codepathreview commented 4 years ago

To answer your follow-up question, you can submit the stretch features you want to implement in the app until Monday 11:59 PM, Pacific Time. /cc @codepathreview

codepathreview commented 4 years ago

Nice work, Samuel. We put together a detailed Project 4 Feedback Guide here: ( which covers the most common issues with this project. Read through the feedback guide point-by-point to determine how you could improve your submission.

We hope you enjoyed the course and learned a lot in the process and look forward to see what you build for your final internship project!

/cc @codepathreview