When Tali encounters an unknown word, it tries to call NUMBER on it to convert it to a number (this is standard Forth behavior). The issue is that if the word begins with numbers (in the case of BASE being HEX, if it starts with a-f), the "numerical" portion of the word has already been processed and the error prints only what is left in the error message, as shown in this example:
hex ok
absolutely >solutely< Undefined word
The proposed solution is to keep a copy of the original "addr u" that can be recalled and used to print the unknown word if an error is encountered (or discarded if no errors are encountered).
When Tali encounters an unknown word, it tries to call NUMBER on it to convert it to a number (this is standard Forth behavior). The issue is that if the word begins with numbers (in the case of BASE being HEX, if it starts with a-f), the "numerical" portion of the word has already been processed and the error prints only what is left in the error message, as shown in this example:
The proposed solution is to keep a copy of the original "addr u" that can be recalled and used to print the unknown word if an error is encountered (or discarded if no errors are encountered).