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[Directory Service] Clarity regarding wildcarded domains #88

Closed apinder closed 6 years ago

apinder commented 6 years ago

This may be somewhat subjective but I just wanted clarity on the following statement from the spec:

If the final identifier of the domain field of the filter is the wildcard '*', then all sub-domains shall be searched for matches."

Is this suggesting that given a list of domains to filter on if the list is :


Then return everything. This seems a bit odd as it effectively ignores the a,b,c entries and is equivalent to:


Or is it suggesting that we can include wildcards in the domain e.g


Which would match domains beginning with a or b or c

SamCooper commented 6 years ago

No, a domain is built up like a URL, so [a, b, c, ] is actually "a.b.c.", so matches "a.b.c" and "a.b.c.d" but not "a" or "a.b".

There is a good explanation of this is the MAL specification I think, I shall link to that