SamDel / ChromeCast-Desktop-Audio-Streamer

Stream the sound of your desktop to your Chromecast Audio device
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DAS on Multiple PCs on same Network #102

Open FA-Bubba opened 3 years ago

FA-Bubba commented 3 years ago

I have installed DAS on a 2nd PC on my Network, and I adjusted the Speaker Groups in Google Home to enable this 2nd PC to select a Speaker Group that is no longer in my "whole-house" Groups. That is, the second PC can Cast to a Group of Speakers that are not normally part of my every-day setup.

Given that the DAS Device Box shows all speakers and all groups, what would happen if the same speakers were selected in both PCs?... -- Would two streams of music be Cast simultaneously to those Speakers, or would one Stream take priority?

I'm doing this new configuration to enable my daughter to Cast her own separate playlists to her room and to her Study area, while my "whole-house" Groups play a different playlist.

Typically, we wouldn't intentionally select conflicting or overlapping Groups, but since it would be possible, I wanted to learn how it might work (or break).

I can see other uses for this type of setup, for example, a Group of outside speakers playing scary sounds for Halloween, while the rest of the house has its normal music....

SamDel commented 3 years ago

Nice, there will be interesting behaviour I think, let me know! I've tried with two instances of DAS on the same PC, never on two PC's. When you start streaming to a device, it stops the stream that's playing, if any. It never plays two streams simultaneously. With groups it's the same, even with overlapping groups I think.

When the option 'Automatically restart when the stream is closed' is checked on both PC's they will keep interrupting each other forever.

FA-Bubba commented 3 years ago

The intent is to not intentionally have both PCs Stream DAS to the same Devices... That is why I created a new Group to for the Devices that the 2nd PC will Stream to, and removed those Devices from their previous Groups.

Right now, both PCs are running their own version of DAS, and each is Streaming to their "dedicated" Devices via different Groups, with no overlap.

It seems to be working OK as intended right now, and I will continue to monitor -- once I am satisfied it is working as intended, I will test what happens when each PC casts to the same Devices.... Stay Tuned!

SamDel commented 3 years ago

Any news (just curious)?

FA-Bubba commented 3 years ago

I guess no news is good news...

I adjusted the Speaker Groups to eliminate any overlap -- that is a Speaker can be in only one Group.

Both PCs with DAS have been running DAS independently for about 3 weeks, each Casting its own unique Stream, and there hasn't been any issues. Both PCs are automatically rebooted once a week, and DAS is set to load on StartUp, and that has been working as expected. I manually select Groups in the Device Box for each PC to Cast to, and I have not tried to Cast simultaneously from both PCs to the same speakers...

Are there any specific tests you want me to try?