SamEdwardes / spacypdfreader

Easy PDF to text to spaCy text extraction in Python.
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pdf_reader with PdfminerParser, page_numbers argument #16

Closed DoubleCortado closed 11 months ago

DoubleCortado commented 11 months ago


could you please tell me what is wrong with below function. I would like to parse only first two pages of the pdf. When I call the function with argument page_numbers=[0,1] it extracts text from all pages anyway.

The function is very slow and I would like to limit number of pages parsed.

def spacy_extractor(label, pattern_name, list_name, pdf_path, pdf_name,

    patterns = [{'label': label, 'pattern': pattern_name} for pattern_name in list_name]
    doc = pdf_reader(os.path.join(pdf_path, pdf_name), nlp, PdfminerParser, page_numbers)
    filtered_list = [ent.text for ent in doc.ents if ent.label_ == label]

    return filtered_list[0] if filtered_list else None
cover_page_legal_form = spacy_extractor(label='LEG', pattern_name= 'legal_form', list_name=legal_form_list,
                                         pdf_path=fs_path_pdf, pdf_name=fs_name_pdf, filtered_list='legal_forms_filtered',page_numbers=[0,1])

Thank you,

SamEdwardes commented 11 months ago

Hi @DoubleCortado - thank you for sharing the issue. Can you please share a reproducible example, including the error message? See this page for advice:

I did, however, take a shot at recreating the problem myself. Can you confirm if this is what you were seeing as well?

import spacy
from spacypdfreader import pdf_reader

nlp = spacy.load("en_core_web_sm")

# Extract all pages - works
doc = pdf_reader("tests/data/test_pdf_01.pdf", nlp)
# (1, 4)

# Extract specific pages - will raise an error
doc = pdf_reader("tests/data/test_pdf_01.pdf", nlp, page_numbers=[0, 1])
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/Users/samedwardes/projects/personal/spacypdfreader/", line 11, in <module>
    doc = pdf_reader("tests/data/test_pdf_01.pdf", nlp, page_numbers=[0, 1])
  File "/Users/samedwardes/projects/personal/spacypdfreader/spacypdfreader/", line 158, in pdf_reader
    text = pdf_parser(pdf_path=pdf_path, page_number=page_num, **kwargs)
  File "/Users/samedwardes/projects/personal/spacypdfreader/spacypdfreader/parsers/", line 60, in parser
    text = extract_text(pdf_path, page_numbers=[page_number], **kwargs)
TypeError: pdfminer.high_level.extract_text() got multiple values for keyword argument 'page_numbers'

This does look like a bug. This issue that I set the value for page_numbers here:

I think the behaviour to only parse 1 page at a time is required to keep the multiprocessing simple. However, I can see if there is a way to have support for only extracting certain pages.

SamEdwardes commented 11 months ago

Hi @DoubleCortado - I have released a new version (0.3.1) that now supports a new parameter called page_range. Could you updated to 0.3.1 and give it a try?

import spacy
from spacypdfreader import pdf_reader
from spacypdfreader.parsers import pytesseract

nlp = spacy.load("en_core_web_sm")

doc = pdf_reader(
    page_range=(2, 3)
DoubleCortado commented 11 months ago

Hello. thank you for the update. not sure why I could use the previous version of the package with python 3.12 and now when trying to update package to 0.3.1 I'm getting the error:

ERROR: Ignored the following versions that require a different python version: 0.3.0 Requires-Python >=3.8,<3.12; 0.3.1 Requires-Python >=3.8,<3.12 ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement spacypdfreader==0.3.1 (from versions: 0.1.0, 0.1.1, 0.2.0, 0.2.1) ERROR: No matching distribution found for spacypdfreader==0.3.1

SamEdwardes commented 11 months ago

Right now I only test against 3.8 to 3.11:

This is a good callout, though, python 3.12 should work as well. I can fix this in a future release. I added this issue to track:

For now, can you use an older version of Python?