SamRothCA / Today-Scripts

A widget for running scripts in the Today View in OS X Yosemite's Notification Center
1.58k stars 183 forks source link

Not working in El Capitan #24

Open DanielSmedegaardBuus opened 9 years ago

DanielSmedegaardBuus commented 9 years ago

Hi :)

Running 10.11 beta 6 here. I upgraded from Yosemite, and Today-Scripts sort of survived the upgrade. My script, though, stopped automatically loading when I pulled out the notification center. I had to click its title (the indicator was orange) to get it to load every time I opened notification center.

I thought I might try removing my script and re-adding it. Removing it was successfully, but I'm unable to add it back. Every time I click Add, the widget just folds back to the regular "Welcome" title being shown.

darrellschulte commented 9 years ago

Mentioned by on Hopefully worked out soon. I'd like to see it in action.

SamRothCA commented 9 years ago

Oh, you'll like it; this will be a 2.0 release. It should just be another couple days; I've added a lot of stuff, and gotta make sure that doesn't offset all the stability fixes.

DanielSmedegaardBuus commented 9 years ago

Cool :D

kominak commented 9 years ago

Hi Sam, could you please provide any estimates on when could we expect the 2.0 version? I'm looking forward to trying it out on El Capitan! Thanks :)

unknownzerx commented 8 years ago

Looking forward +1

jiegec commented 8 years ago

Looking forward +1

ahjsrhj commented 8 years ago

Looking forward +1

rockwotj commented 8 years ago

:eyes: forward +1

dourgulf commented 8 years ago

Looking forward +1

vasmani commented 8 years ago

O_O Looking forward +1

rknightuk commented 8 years ago

We get it, everyone is "looking forward" to this feature. Let's just assume that everyone is looking forward to it — every time someone comments, @SamRothCA is getting a notification which is probably annoying as well as anyone (like me) who is subscribed to the repo.

kominak commented 8 years ago

I'm sure it may be annoying. At the other hand, though, it may give the author the feeling we really appreciate the effort he has put into this project - we really do! Thank you, @SamRothCA :)

@rmlewisuk you can unsubscribe from this particular issue/thread...

rknightuk commented 8 years ago

I'm subscribed so I can see when the issue is closed/fixed. Of course I do appreciate the work @SamRothCA has put into the project but I know as someone with a popular open source project that multiple notifications for basically the same thing aren't exactly helpful.

qqli007 commented 8 years ago


jean-io commented 8 years ago

Please guys, stop with "looking forward", it's not helpful. Contribute by solving an issue or subscribe. But don't bother everyone with useless notifications. I am sure the developer is well aware of the situation.


nataliaeire commented 8 years ago

This may be not be relevant, as a new version is coming (though it seems the timing for it has become uncertain), but I wanted to mention my current issue, in case there actually is a simple solution to it, or it has to be taken into account.

After upgrading to 10.11, I first had issues with the app, but I was able to resolve most of them, so I do see Scripts in my notification centre, and I do have the information button. However, when trying to add a script by the green "+"-button, nothing happens. Anyone else had this issue?

jiegec commented 8 years ago

@nataliaeire Yes that is the issue that all of us are facing.

nataliaeire commented 8 years ago

@jiegec Oh, sorry about that, then. Not the vibe I got from reading the threads.

jean-io commented 8 years ago

@nataliaeire details for this issue are here #25

dipendrapkrl commented 8 years ago

Hey Guys, It is surprising that Today Scripts has started to work on my mac all of sudden. I knew about today script only about a month ago and it was too late as El Capitan was already installed in my pc. I installed although. But it didnt work. After that I tried to compile the source. It didnt work again. I left it afterwards. But today, I came to see that the script has started to work. I am sorry if I am not the only one who is seeing this behaviour. Just wanted you guys to keep informed. Following is the screenshot:

screen shot 2015-11-06 at 11 45 18
jean-io commented 8 years ago

@dipendrapkrl nice :) did you add a new script?

dipendrapkrl commented 8 years ago

@Ricain Yes. I have tried adding new scripts, deleting or editing them. I don't see any problem.

jiegec commented 8 years ago

Still not working in my MBA.

jean-io commented 8 years ago

@dipendrapkrl strange... Did you update your OS X? Or you started from scratch on a blank disk?

@jiegec it does not work for me either :8ball:

dipendrapkrl commented 8 years ago

@Ricain Yes I did update my OS X after installing Today Script. I also tried compiling the code by making small change. Being new to xcode, I have no idea if it compiled well or not.

Could you try the following binary and see if it works or not in your machine Note: It might not work at all. I dont want to take a risk to loose it so cant try it.

typkrft commented 8 years ago

I requested access to that if you don't mind. I was able to get it working in el cap with a work around, but if this works that would be interesting. If you haven't changed any of the code then the only reason it should work is because of your update I would think. What version of Xcode are you using?

dipendrapkrl commented 8 years ago

The version of xcode is Version 7.1 (7B91b) I did make a single line at change at EditViewController.h before compiling

 @interface EditViewController : NCWidgetSearchViewController


@interface EditViewController : NCWidgetListViewController

I have granted the permission to access file. Following link will not ask for permission to download.

typkrft commented 8 years ago

Yah that work around works, thats what I did as suggested here. It will compile, but there seems to be some concern that it does not refresh or something to that effect. It serves the purpose I need it for though and its probably enough of a work around for a lot of people. I was going to fork it with that line of code, but I don't want to be disrespectful. I messaged the creator on reddit and he said 2.0 is still in the works.

akuma commented 8 years ago


@dipendrapkrl It work for me. osx 10.11

lsd commented 8 years ago

+1 thanks @dipendrapkrl For now I forked and used the above fix.

I pushed a build for 10.11.1 to my fork @ I recommend you inspect the code and compile it yourself but if somebody needs the binary it's there.

borissov commented 8 years ago

Thanks for Binary!

lsd commented 8 years ago

Glad it helped @Borissov

My fork is trivial but I revised the readme that this works in 10.11.1 and compiles in Xcode 7.1 for 10.10 or 10.11 & put links directly to the binaries hosted on github. again if you don't trust the bins just read/compile yourself.

albi3ro commented 8 years ago

I've tried the binaries for both this one and lsd's El Capitan's version. It installs, but I can't get the info button to add a new script.
I haven't compiled it from source yet.
I am working on a fresh OS and haven't used this script before.

lsd commented 8 years ago

@albi3ro for what it's worth, here's how I fixed that problem:

Tried original binary by DLing it and running it from the Download's dir. Opened notification center and hit edit, dragged it to the left side of the notification center but noticed the Add button did nothing. Tried disabling/enabling it again with no luck. give a warning that app may need to be in the /Applications dir (don't remember exact msg) but that didn't work.

Found this thread, forked, applied fix and compiled. Removed Today-Scripts from notification center, trashed old binary, opened Activity Monitor and killed notification center. Ran new binary, enabled again in notification center and found the Add button worked. I click the word Add and not the plus sign which I initially kept hitting.

I'm on a new El Capitan with an install of the latest Xcode.

albi3ro commented 8 years ago

I think killing the Notification Center was the step that I missed. Thanks.

airingursb commented 8 years ago

Looking forward +1025

nachocifu commented 8 years ago


LiJohnson commented 7 years ago


jean-io commented 7 years ago

2 years without activity... this project is dead 😢

alexweber commented 7 years ago

@Ricain for what it's worth the fork by @lsd works fine on a fresh install of Sierra. Granted, the theming looks fugly with the new transparent sidebar styles but it works

falkvw commented 7 years ago

I have added a new fork with pre compiled build for osx macOS 10.12.3 at

It has new light transparent style, dark grey font and Helvetica Neue as standard font

mihirsoni commented 7 years ago

@falkvw Not able to make it run on my macOS 10.12.4

LiJohnson commented 7 years ago

macOS 10.12.3 not look well image

huangyg11 commented 7 years ago

@falkvw can't handle output more than four lines

falkvw commented 7 years ago

Displaying 30 lines on my macOS 10.12.4 just perfectly at this moment. Don´t know where´s the problem in your case.

huangyg11 commented 7 years ago

@falkvw I find it is the lower part of last line appears to be hidden

rgkobashi commented 7 years ago

I found two forks. Both work fine on macOS 10.12.4, @falkvw and @lsd. I needed to restart my system to make it works. They both have different colors. God bless GitHub

Falkvm: screen shot 2017-06-02 at 9 17 42 pm

Lsd: screen shot 2017-06-02 at 1 54 38 pm