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[Fix] The file given is not an instance of Blob or File #96

Open amit-s19 opened 9 months ago

amit-s19 commented 9 months ago

Environment: production Application: Stride App Error occurred while processing request:

{ "gpId": "gp_121223", "timestamp": 1707112111158, "error": "The file given is not an instance of Blob or File" }

Need to R&D on this error when adding/saving a file in form

amit-s19 commented 9 months ago

Not received this error since I suspect that this error occured due to failure of imageCompress method which was used from browser-image-compression which somehow corrupted the passed file as it's a reference passed down. Hence the file remained an instanceOf Blob but it got corrupted or something which resulted in a faliure to write in the indexDB using Localforage.