Open Gautam-Rajeev opened 10 months ago
Hi! Important Details - These following details are helpful for contributors to effectively identify and contribute to tickets.
Please update the ticket
@GautamR-Samagra I would like to work on this issue, kindly assign it to me.
@35C4n0r Thanks for showing interest :)
Anyone can work on this, I am not assigning to anyone in particular now.
Please raise PRs - just link it to any working code.
Is this the requirement? Before (upload it as image.png in colab to test)
After (a bit rough marking of start(top) and end(bottom) of line.)
After few more changes
@Amit0617 this looks great. We also need to be able to detect the columns too. Then we need to merge the output of bbox of these with the bbox extracted from the text using pytesseract.
Hi, I'm planning to have a meeting today (22-Jan-2024) to discuss progress on this and clarify any doubts at 5:30 pm. Let me know if you can join @Amit0617 @35C4n0r @SarveshAtawane on this link
Oops! I missed it.
Hi! The goal is to detect the column and rows and not the cells. i.e. I should be finally able to tell that these are the elements in the same column and these in the same row and convert to a csv. Do check if your approach is able to do that
@GautamR-Samagra Here are the results and my collab notebook
0: {
0: "",
1: "गी तिथि",
2: "की तिथि",
3: "अवधि (दिनों में)",
4: "क्षमता कु. / हे.",
5: "",
1: {
0: "पूसा डबल जीरो-3॥",
1: "206",
2: "",
3: "442",
4: "23.3",
5: "यो फोर्टिफाइड प्रजाति- इरयू [सिड 2 प्रतिशत से कम लूकोसाइनोलेटस 30 पीपीएम से कम)",
2: {
0: "पूसा सरसों-29 (एल.ई.टी.-3(",
1: "))2043",
2: "",
3: "43-55",
4: "49.27-25.68",
5: "रयूसिक एसिड की मात्रा बहुत न्यून",
3: {
0: "पूसा सरसों-24 (एल.ई.टी.-8",
1: ") 2008",
2: "",
3: "440",
4: "20.25",
5: "'रयूसिक एसिड की मात्रा बहुत न्यून।",
4: {
0: "पूसा सरसों-2",
1: "2007",
2: "",
3: "433-42",
4: "48.6-2.0",
5: "_रयूसिक एसिड की मात्रा बहुत न्यून |",
5: {0: "(एल.ई.एस--27)", 1: "", 2: "", 3: "", 4: "", 5: ""},
6: {0: "त्त क्षेत्रों के लिए", 1: "", 2: "", 3: "", 4: "", 5: ""},
7: {
0: "वभव",
1: "985",
2: "48.4.85",
3: "25-30",
4: "45-20",
5: "म्पूर्ण उ.प्र. हेतु",
8: {
0: "वरूणा (टा. - 59)",
1: "4975",
2: "2.2.76",
3: "420-25",
4: "45-20",
5: "म्पूर्ण मैदानी क्षेत्र हेतु",
9: {
0: "आर.जी.एन.-298",
1: "2045",
2: "",
3: "443",
4: "शा",
5: "[ल की मात्रा अधिक।",
10: {
0: "गिरिराज (डीआरएमआरयू34)",
1: "20]3",
2: "",
3: "437-53",
4: "22.46-श27.57",
5: "ल की मात्रा अधिक।",
11: {
0: "पूसा सरसों-27",
1: "20॥]",
2: "",
3: "408-35",
4: "44.37-6.59",
5: "रयूसिक एसिड की मात्रा बहुत न्यून |",
12: {0: "पन्\u200dत पीली सरसों 4", 1: "2040", 2: "", 3: "407-43", 4: "42-5", 5: ""},
13: {0: "पीताम्बरी", 1: "2009", 2: "", 3: "440-5", 4: "44.7-7.65", 5: "ड़ा दाना।"},
14: {0: "(आर.वाइ.एस.क. 05-02)", 1: "", 2: "", 3: "", 4: "", 5: ""},
15: {
0: "एन.आज.सी.एच.बी.-0॥",
1: "2009",
2: "",
3: "405-35",
4: "43.82-4.9]",
5: "",
16: {0: "इसे बुआई के लिए", 1: "", 2: "", 3: "", 4: "", 5: ""},
17: {
0: "आशीर्वाद",
1: "2005",
2: "26.08.05",
3: "430-35",
4: "20-22",
5: "म्पूर्ण उ.प्र. हेतु",
18: {
0: "वरदान",
1: "985",
2: "48.4.85",
3: "420-25",
4: "48-20",
5: "म्पूर्ण उ.प्र. हेतु",
19: {0: "/ लवणीय भूमि हेतु", 1: "", 2: "", 3: "", 4: "", 5: ""},
20: {
0: "नरेन्द्र राई",
1: "990",
2: "47.08.90",
3: "",
4: "",
5: "म्पूर्ण उ.प्र. हेतु",
21: {
0: "सी.एस.-52",
1: "4987",
2: "45.05.98",
3: "435-45",
4: "46-20",
5: "म्पूर्ण उ.प्र. हेतु",
22: {
0: "सी.एस.-54",
1: "2003",
2: "42.02.05",
3: "435-45",
4: "48-22",
5: "म्पूर्ण उ.प्र. हेतु",
23: {0: "प्रजातियाँ :", 1: "", 2: "", 3: "", 4: "", 5: ""},
24: {
0: "जे.के. सम्रद्धि गोल्ड",
1: "206",
2: "",
3: "425-30",
4: "20.0-30.0",
5: "फेद रस्ट एवं डाउनी मिल्डयू सहिष्णु",
25: {0: "(जे.के.एम.एस.-2)", 1: "", 2: "", 3: "", 4: "", 5: ""},
26: {
0: "जे.के. पुखराज",
1: "206",
2: "",
3: "445-20",
4: "45.0-20.0",
5: "फेद रस्ट एवं डाउनी मिल्डयू सहिष्णु",
27: {0: "(जे.के.वाई.एस.-2)", 1: "", 2: "", 3: "", 4: "", 5: ""},
28: {
0: "बेयर सरसों - 5450",
1: "206",
2: "",
3: "430-35",
4: "28.0-30.0",
5: "ल की मात्रा अधिक |",
29: {0: "अलबेली 4", 1: "2045", 2: "", 3: "440-445", 4: "2.3", 5: ""},
for the table
I've also added the logic for converting it to a Python dictionary
merged_tables.pdf Looks good @35C4n0r Can you try on the above PDF? I have combined multiple table types into one pdf, lets make sure the solution works for all of them. If it does, this should be good enough.
cc: @Amit0617 @SarveshAtawane @naina35
@GautamR-Samagra Sorry for the late response, I ran the script for all the tables, The results are not ok in some cases, for example the table on page 22 and this is one of the cells extracted (not complete)
There are many more cases like this, you can check the notebook.
@GautamR-Samagra What should be my next step, have you checked the notebook?
@35C4n0r can you manually estimate for how many its working out of 26 tables?
Can you verify if its working for all the tables which don't have row/column line boundaries ?
@35C4n0r Got time to go through your code now. Table transformer is not doing a good enough job detecting rows and columns properly. However I think the overall approach is very useful and we can extend it to plug and play with any DETR and pytesseract combination. Let's do that as a seaparate ticket. Goal will be to improve detection of text objects and you can use any DETR model along with Pytesseract.
You provide the pdf, image as input along with the DETR model and the Pytesseract-language You get as output, each word in each page labelled as the DETR object .. with words combined wherever they belong to the same object
For example here , you get as output : the word of each cell mapped to row1/column1/cell1/table1 another word to row2/column1/cell4/table1 and so on.
Can you create another ticket on ai-tools with these details and assign it to yourself. I'll add to the details. I'll decide the community points etc.
Once the performance of table transformers or any other object detection model improves, we can use this is conjunction with that
Since, this is not being done with the above approaches, Let's try and solve this from ground up heuristically to just try to pass the test cases on the pdf. Then we'll abstract the ideas to make it generic and useful.
Have a bunch of ideas here..
Key idea is that if the tables have lines for rows and column, just detect the lines and use that. If not, use other approaches.
We can keep adding ideas around models around row /column detection and figure out how to ensemble them all
cc: @Amit0617 @SarveshAtawane @naina35
@GautamR-Samagra, sorry for the huge delay, got some time today and made a little bit of progress, Here is the notebook
I've used the classic Canny Edge Detection
+ Hugh Transform
, and the results are awesome.
What I got stuck at is the Pytesseract's OCR capabilities, my config: -l hin+eng
What I would like to have, is something like @naina35's solution, If possible, kindly share your approach with us @naina35. Or we use some other OCR models or DETR, suggestions, and ideas are welcome (@GautamR-Samagra, @Amit0617, @naina35)
Once I have the bboxes for the text objects, I'll be able to clean up the Edge detection.
Hey @35C4n0r can you pause work on this for now. I have made some progress myself and will clean and update that here in a couple of hours.
Sure @GautamR-Samagra.
hey @35C4n0r this was my first time trying my hand with python so I couldn't do much usually my tech domain is different
this was what i managed to do import cv2 import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
file = 'C:/Users/hp5cd/Desktop/parse hindi tables/hindi5.jpg'
im = cv2.imread(file)
im_gray = cv2.cvtColor(im, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
ret, thresh_value = cv2.threshold(im_gray, 180, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY_INV)
kernel = np.ones((2, 5), np.uint8) dilated_value = cv2.dilate(thresh_value, kernel, iterations=3)
contours, hierarchy = cv2.findContours(dilated_value, cv2.RETR_TREE, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE)
for cnt in contours: x, y, w, h = cv2.boundingRect(cnt)
if y < 1000:
cv2.rectangle(im, (x, y), (x + w, y + h), (0, 0, 255), 1)
cv2.imshow('detecttable78', im) cv2.imwrite('detecttable_with_rectangles4.jpg', im) cv2.waitKey(0) cv2.destroyAllWindows()
@35C4n0r @naina35 sorry for the delay. Here is my effort at parsing the tables. It uses the same classic edge detection techniques you highlighted. For tables with the borderlines, it is able to detect the rows and columns with 100% accuracy in our test cases. It fails if the lines are blurry (we have one case like that). It also fails gracefully i.e when there are no columns/row lines or they are blurry, it doesn't detect either rows or columns and we can use alternative approaches in those cases.
@35C4n0r Would be very useful if you could continue with the logic you had written in line with the comment I had detailed above to extend the capabilty to tackle any table. Also, clean up code to get the table in a dataframe once we have detected the rows and columns accurately.
Also had kept all the images of the tables here for easy use and testing (after table detection)
Cleaned up here
Hello @Shruti3004 I have experience on working with pytorch and have made a project in deep learning. I am really interested in contributing to this project. Could you please let me know how I can connect for further discussions and assign the ticket to me?
Hello @Shruti3004 Can I work on this issue or is it inactive now?
Is this task active? I was looking to contribute in projects in the domain of AI and ML.
We are currently struggling to parse Hindi tables to be able to replicate the table into structured useful form (like json/.md) and need help figuring out bonding boxes for each cell for detected table.
Sample pdfs for testing :
Test case : merged_tables.pdf
Implementation Details
Detection if the page has a table and separating the table image from the rest of the page : This is done using Table Transformers - This works pretty well on most tested use cases. We need to set the detection confidence pretty high (more than 99% ) and its able to detect if the page has the table and the correct boundary for it with reasonable accuracy. Code to set this up is here
Detection of the text in the table : "
This we have seen the best results using Pytesseract Hindi. In our limited testing, we have notices that Pytesseract works best we give the page in its entirety rather than after detection and separation of rows/column/cells. Something like this which gives the word as well as the bounding boxes :
We tried using Table Transformers for this but its giving poor results. Any logic for OCR heuristics (column boundaries can be identified by ability to draw a straight vertical line without hitting a word) would seem more plausible as a first solution here than fine-tuning image transformers. Ideal initial step would be a step in this direction.
Sample pdfs show different kinds of tables (some without columns marked by lines, others without lines demarcating the columns.
Guidelines for proposed solutions :
Product Name
AI Tools
Organization Name
Tech Skills Needed
Pytorch/ Python, ML