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Fine tuning mixtral7B using raft data format for implementation of RAG2.0 #306

Open xorsuyash opened 2 months ago

xorsuyash commented 2 months ago

cc @GautamR-Samagra cc @ChakshuGautam


RAG2.0 refers to fine tuning and optmizing end-to-end LLMs as well as retriever for better RAG


Dataset requires question answer and the context from which question is answered called oracle_context , distractors(chunks randomly sampled from the context ) , oracle_context and distractors are then randomly interleaved inside and question is appended at the end , documents + question constitutes instruction set for the LLM.

parameters of dataset

Fine-tuning overview

Mixtral 7B was used for fine tuning as the base model and LoRA with quantization of 4bit is used a fine tuning technique. Initially data containing only question answer is used for fine tuning mixtral7B for around 2000 epochs which showed significant decrease in the training loss and eval-loss. further model is again fine-tuned on data containing context+question+answer for around 200 epochs. Screenshot from 2024-03-30 23-19-14

Performance comparison

Inference on finetuned model ans base model was done using 250 samples randomly sampled from the test set and inference is then quantitavely evaluated using metrics of RAGAS library and samagra llm_evaluator. metrics include

Screenshot from 2024-04-06 13-07-19

Screenshot from 2024-04-06 14-53-10

Future Plans for Improvement:

The initial data used p_value=1.0 , on further iterations different p_values may result in better fine-tuned model and also lower p_value reduces the over fitting in model. Chain of thoughts answers will also be used instead of normal answers for fine tuning which can lead to better fine tuned models. and comparision among :



xorsuyash commented 2 months ago

cc @GautamR-Samagra cc @ChakshuGautam

on further improvement on the issue.....

xorsuyash commented 2 months ago

References and possible approaches for buiding RAG2.0

xorsuyash commented 2 months ago

cc @TakshPanchal cc @GautamR-Samagra cc @ChakshuGautam
