I am trying to query for the transformers field in a Template object. However, I am getting the error Property 'transformers' does not exist on type 'GetResult<{ createdAt: Date; updatedAt: Date; id: bigint; type: TemplateType; useCase: string; body: string; meta: JsonValue; user: string; tag: string[]; }, unknown> & {}.
i've created a renderService to abstract away the logic and we can use the templateService to swap out databases easily by the injecting the Doc Gen prismaService later for the move
I am trying to query for the transformers field in a Template object. However, I am getting the error Property 'transformers' does not exist on type 'GetResult<{ createdAt: Date; updatedAt: Date; id: bigint; type: TemplateType; useCase: string; body: string; meta: JsonValue; user: string; tag: string[]; }, unknown> & {}.
Click here for the code
i've created a renderService to abstract away the logic and we can use the templateService to swap out databases easily by the injecting the Doc Gen prismaService later for the move
but for this issue i tried this but no luck :(