Closed radhay-samagra closed 2 years ago
{ "meta": {}, "bodyI18n": { "createMany": { "data": [ { "lang": "en", "body": "Hello World. This is ${name}. I love (to) ${task}" }, { "lang": "hindi", "body": "Hello World. This is ${name}. I love (to) ${task}" } ] } }, "type": "JS_TEMPLATE_LITERALS", "user": "25bbdbf7-5286-4b85-a03c-c53d1d990a23" }
{ "id": 5, "data": { "lang": "en", "name": "Chakshu", "task": "shave yaks" } }
{ "processed": "Hello World. This is Chakshu. I love (to) shave yaks", "templateType": "JS_TEMPLATE_LITERALS", "data": { "lang": "en", "name": "Chakshu", "task": "shave yaks" }, "template": "test", "meta": {} }
{ "processed": [ { "lang": "en", "processed": "Hello World. This is Chakshu. I love (to) shave yaks" }, { "lang": "hindi", "processed": "Hello World. This is Chakshu. I love (to) shave yaks" } ], "templateType": "JS_TEMPLATE_LITERALS", "data": { "name": "Chakshu", "task": "shave yaks" }, "template": "test", "meta": {} }
@radhay-samagra please update the spec to include ISO language codes.
@ChakshuGautam Added the ISO Language Codes for lang property
Create Request Body
Render Request Body
Render Response Body
If lang provided, then only the provided lang will be rendered
If lang not provided in body