Samagra-Development / yaus

Yet Another URL Shortner
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Moved the 'YAUS-C4GT' frontend to the current monorepo #67

Open itsrahulsehgal opened 1 year ago

itsrahulsehgal commented 1 year ago

Prepared the existing monorepo: Set up the existing monorepo with Nx.

Moved the YAUS-C4GT repository: Integrated it with all other apps such as admin, admin-e2e and api by ncluding all relevant files and directories, including configuration files (e.g., package.json, tsconfig.json, etc.)

Updated the workspace configuration: By specifying the root directory, project type, and any other relevant configuration options.

Verify and test: Before committing the changes, verify that the repository builds and runs correctly within the monorepo environment, (by npx nx serve)

Waiting for your response and feedback Looking forward for any changes that should be required, Thank You.