User and Comment needed a primary key but Game doesn't, and then a new error popped up that profile_db didn't exists so I had to do SOURCE ; with mysql. Then changed the the use 'public' to '/public' in the server.js and all the routes to imgs/CSS/JS in the handlebars to '/imgs/file' etc.
I also installed nodemon for testing the server so we don't have to stop and restart the server every time we edit something. Do 'npm run devStart' to use it.
User and Comment needed a primary key but Game doesn't, and then a new error popped up that profile_db didn't exists so I had to do SOURCE; with mysql. Then changed the the use 'public' to '/public' in the server.js and all the routes to imgs/CSS/JS in the handlebars to '/imgs/file' etc.
I also installed nodemon for testing the server so we don't have to stop and restart the server every time we edit something. Do 'npm run devStart' to use it.